Sigma Nu is committed to developing ethical leadership. In doing so, our strategy is twofold. Sigma Nu provides leadership opportunities through various positions and committee involvement in addition to increased exposure to other campus leadership opportunities. Sigma Nu also providesleadership education Through the LEAD (Leadership Ethics Achievement Development) Program. The LEAD Program is a four-year leadership development curriculum that starts from the first day you become a member and does not end until you graduate. Each of the four phases correspond with your year in school (Freshman- Phase I, Sophomore- Phase II, etc…) and teaches you skills applicable to your college experience and helps prepare you for life after college.
Sigma Nu is a national fraternity, with hundreds of chapters and hundreds of thousands of brothers across the U.S. and Canada. It was founded over a century ago, resting on the three core ideals of Love, Honor, and Truth. Brothers from Sigma Nu can be found in prominent leadership positions in the fields of business, entertainment, military, sports, and government. For a list of famous Sigma Nu's, please click here.